Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS) are two complementary techniques
capable of resolving structures and studying electronic transport on atomic scale. In this letter we report on topographic
characterization of boron passivated Si(111) surface and on electronic transport measurements performed on passivated
and unpassivated silicon adatoms. The topographic measurements revealed the presence of unpassivated silicon dangling
bonds (DB) on B/Si(111) 3 3 R30° surface whilst the spectroscopic measurements revealed the electronic structure of
the two types of silicon adatoms: passivated and unpassivated ones. The presence of a dangling bond state inside the band
gap, completely decoupled from any other state, is used to explain the topographical contrast observed in STM images and
the high tunneling currents measured in STS experiments.
Scanning tunneling microscopy, Electronic transport, Quantum state.
R. STIUFIUC, B. GRANDIDIER, G. STIUFIUC, STM/STS investigation of silicon adatoms, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 3, 10, October 2009, pp.1005-1007 (2009).
Submitted at: Aug. 17, 2009
Accepted at: Oct. 2, 2009