To shape the self-compression signal pulse induced by free carrier absorption (FCA) in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguides,
in this letter a novel project is proposed and numerically simulated by co-propagating intensity pump pulse. Numerical results
show that pulsewidth compression by up to a factor of ~3 can be achieved by adjusting the initial delay between pump and
signal pulse. Furthermore, the properties of shaped pulse are strongly dependent on the parameters such as delay, energy
and pulsewidth of pump pulse, and waveguide length.
Integrated optics, Silicon-on-insulator waveguides, Optical pulse compression and shaping, Non-linear absorptions.
J.-W. WU, W.-H. ZHU, Y. XU, F.-G. LUO, Self-compression pulse shaping by using non-degenerate two-photon absorption in silicon-on-insulator waveguides, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 3, 1, January 2009, pp.4-9 (2009).
Submitted at: Nov. 27, 2008
Accepted at: Jan. 21, 2009