Implementation of all-optical algebraic and arithmetic operations is fundamental for successful realization of complex all-optical signal processing (AOSP) tasks. Over the past few years, a number of All-optical computing devices such as half-adder, full-adder etc. have evolved based on 2nd (χ(2)) order and 3rd (χ(3)) order non-linear effects. In this paper, design and performance analysis of an all-optical half-subtracter based on cross-gain modulation (XGM) in bulk type semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) capable of operating at 20 Gbps have been performed. A co-propagating structure has been utilized for the design purposes, which nullifies requirement of additional assisting light sources. Extinction ratios (ER) and quality factors (Q-Factor) of order of greater than 9.389 dB and 7.29, respectively have been achieved for half-subtracter outputs. Performance analysis has been performed by varying order and width (τFWHM) of input gaussian data pulse trains. Gaussian return-to-zero (RZ) data pulses of 3rd order and width (τFWHM) = 0.5 have been identified as optimum input pulses..
Cross-gain modulation (XGM), Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), All-optical signal processing (AOSP), All-optical
logic gates.
KARAMDEEP SINGH, GURMEET KAUR, MANINDER LAL SINGH, Performance analysis of an all-optical half-subtracter based on XGM in SOA at 20 Gbps, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 11, 3-4, March-April 2017, pp.189-196 (2017).
Submitted at: Feb. 16, 2016
Accepted at: April 6, 2017