New chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) from the GeSe2–Sb2Se3–PbTe system were synthesized. The glass-forming region was
determined by the help of visual and X-ray diffraction analyses. It is situated in the GeSe2-rich part in the Gibbs’ diagram
and partially lies on the GeSe2– Sb2Se3 (0–70 mol% Sb2Se3) and GeSe2–PbTe (15.0–57.5 mol% PbTe) sides. No glasses
were obtained in the binary Sb2Se3–PbTe system. The ChGs were investigated with respect to their phase transformations
temperatures (glass transition Tg, crystallization Tcr and melting Tm) and density (d). The compactness (C) and Hruby’s
criterion (KG) were calculated from the measured values for the thermal and mechanical characteristics.
Chalcogenide glasses, Physicochemical properties, Thermomechanical characteristics.
V. VASSILEV, M. RADONOVA, S. BOYCHEVA, E. FIDANCEVSKA, Glass formation in the multicomponent chalcogenide GeSe2-Sb2Se3-PbTe system, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 3, 8, August 2009, pp.751-756 (2009).
Submitted at: July 6, 2009
Accepted at: July 31, 2009