X-ray diffraction data, electron microscope and optical properties of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles were analyzed. It is
shown that the value of the reduced effective mass of charge carriers in nanoparticles differs from bulk crystals. Changes of
effective mass and "red shift" in values of band gap are explained by the occurrence of additional electronic potential in
CdS, Nanoparticles, Effective mass, Optical properties.
M. B. MURADOV, G. M. EYVAZOVA, R. TURAN, A. M. MAHARRAMOV, Effective mass and peculiarity of optical properties of Cadmium Sulfide nanoparticles, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 2, 12, December 2008, pp.775-778 (2008).
Submitted at: Nov. 13, 2008
Accepted at: Dec. 4, 2008