The dynamical behavior of the ABL (Atmospheric Boundary Layer) has a direct effect on the depth (or height) of the ABL
and its turbulent strength changes significantly during the large-scale dust intrusion. Active remote sensing systems such as
LIDARs use aerosols as tracers of the ABL dynamics. In this paper, we use backscatter LIDAR measurements from a
scientific research center in Magurele, Bucharest area (44.35 N, 26.03 E) to provide information about the ABL height
evolution, correlated to Saharan dust intrusions over Romania and to meteorological conditions. The Richardson number
method is also used to estimate the boundary layer height. The results of this work demonstrate the importance of
knowledge of LIDAR as tool for atmospheric investigation..
ABL, Mixed Layer Depth (MLD), Radio- sounding, LIDAR.
S. STEFAN, C. TALIANU, D. NICOLAE, A. NEMUC, L. FILIP, Detection of atmospheric boundary layer height from lidar measurements, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 5, 7, July 2011, pp.809-813 (2011).
Submitted at: Dec. 13, 2010
Accepted at: July 25, 2011