A diode-pumped passively Q-switched 1066 nm laser with Nd:GGG crystal was demonstrated. The maximum output power was 4.5 W under the absorbed pump power of 12.56 W, with a slope efficiency of 40% in the continuous-wave (CW) operation. The characteristics of the passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser with the Cr4+:YAG saturable absorbers were researched. When the Cr4+:YAG crystal with the initial transmission (T0) of 85% at 1.06 µm was placed in the cavity, the maximum repetition rate and the minimum pulse width were 6.7 kHz and 28.7 ns, respectively..
Nd:GGG, Passively Q-switched, Cr4+:YAG, DPSSL.
Y. F. MA, H. T. DANG, F. H. LIU, Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 14, 3-4, March-April 2020, pp.101-104 (2020).
Submitted at: Oct. 15, 2019
Accepted at: April 9, 2020