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Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of polarization degree of chromatic lines in H2-Kr gas mixture



  1. Faculty of Building Services and Equipment, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
  2. Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania


The Monochromatization–effect of light (the so-called M-effect) consists in the reduction of an electronegative– electropositive gas mixtures discharge emission spectrum to only a few (or even one, in the particular case of H2 - Ne gas mixture) spectral lines, in A.C./D.C. discharges at moderate to high total pressures (tens to hundreds of mbar). The main reaction mechanism is the polar resonant three-body reaction, with the decisive contribution of the electronegative metastable atoms, which play the role of the third particle involved in reaction.The paper deals with the variance analysis of the polarization degree in H2-Kr gas mixture (νH2/νNe=27/38). The calculations were performed for different total pressures values (27,5 torr, 42 torr, 65 torr and 80 torr, respectively) of the gas mixture, taking into account the intensities of three spectral lines (λ=758,7nm, 760nm and 811nm), which appeared as dominant ones in frame of the M-effect. The calculation method used in the experiment was the “Two-way ANOVA method” which offers the possibility to follow the evolution of physical parameters of interest under different experimental conditions..


M-effect, H2-Kr gas mixture, Polarization Degree (PD), Analysis of variance (ANOVA) method.


C. GAVRILĂ, I. GRUIA, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of polarization degree of chromatic lines in H2-Kr gas mixture, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 8, 11-12, November-December 2014, pp.1250-1255 (2014).

Submitted at: July 30, 2014

Accepted at: Nov. 13, 2014